PFC Brake Pads 0548.XX.16.44



08 (Endurance) 11 (Sprint)

PFC Brake Pads 0548.XX.16.44


08 (Endurance) 11 (Sprint)

The PFC 0548.11.16.44 and PFC 0548.08.18.44 have dominated the NASA Spec E46 class since inception. The PFC 0548 pad shape fits the rear axle of the E46 (non-M) chassis and comes in two popular compounds, the 08 and 11.

0548.11.16.44 (11 Compound)

A new generation sprint and medium distance friction: the ultimate in control with superior disc conditioning. Developed from 01 compound with improved bite, modulation, and release characteristics. It is ultra smooth and developed to reduce wheel locking at the end of braking while giving more cold and hot bite than the endurance oriented 08 compound. Brake with confidence; brake with ultimate control and modulation.

0548.08.16.44 (08 Compound)

One of PFC's most popular compounds which came to fame in Endurance Sportscar and GT racing due to its performance in applications where smooth initial bite is a must. PFC08 has a slight friction rise with temperature, excellent release and modulation characteristics. Despite its considerable performance, 08 has the lowest wear rate of all PFC compounds and can easily match the wear characteristics of the other competitors' materials but with much higher bite and consistent performance across a broad temperature range.

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